Jesus and the Just Reign of God: December 2013—February 2014

Written by Jeremiah Owen

November 22, 2013

The Helping Hand in Bible Study can be read on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, and even your Windows or Mac pc. Just get the free Kindle app from and then purchase the new quarter’s Helping Hand in Bible Study (Jesus and the Just Reign of God). The first Sabbath in the new quarter is Sabbath, November 30, 2013. So now is the perfect time to get your copy.

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To find out more about the quarter, read what Pastor Steve Osborn, editor, has to say:

“It’s not fair!” How many times I have warned my children not to expect life to be fair. Justice is another matter, however. Justice is worth fighting for because justice is one of God’s most noble characteristics. He promotes it and defends it throughout Scripture. Too often we confuse the two. Fairness expects everyone to be treated equally while justice expects the right thing to be done.

Why is justice so important to us? Because justice is what demanded that the penalty for our sins (death) must be paid. So it was justice (not fairness) that drove Christ to the cross on our behalf so that we could be saved from our sins.

The things in this world often do not seem fair (and indeed they are not). But our God is a God of Justice. And in the end, He will right all wrongs as He reigns sovereignly in His Justice. That is why, though they seem insignificant in this world, the meek, the poor, the fatherless, the widow, etc. are described as key players in the Kingdom to come—and why we who want to be righteous are exhorted to look out for them in this world.

This quarter’s study focuses on Jesus ushering in the “Just Reign of God.” We begin with five lessons from Luke surrounding the birth of Christ and how His birth fulfilled several prophecies of the One who would come to bring about God’s justice. Four more lessons from Luke focus on key teachings of Jesus regarding living as people of the God of Justice. Finally, we turn to the book of James for four lessons on what it looks like for Christians to live out God’s justice.

As always, I pray you will be blessed and challenged by your study of God’s Word through our efforts here. I remain faithfully yours in the service of the King.

To God be the glory,

Pastor Steve

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