World Fed honors Joe Samuels

The February Sabbath Recorder (arriving soon in your mail, and on-line now) contains some special tributes to Pastor Joe Samuels. A new one below covers Pastor Joe’s long and valued involvement with the SDB World Federation. The tribute will appear in the next “SDB...

SR Survey to close soon

Time is running out to send in the SR Survey. It’s an easy way to provide feedback and suggestions for the Sabbath Recorder! We’ve been receiving some great information so far. THANK YOU if you have responded!!Both the December and January issues include a one-page,...

WFed names new General Secretary

News from the soon-to-be-released “SDB World” newsletter edited by Janet Thorngate:Rev. Andrew Samuels, World Federation Vice President for North America and pastor of the Miami, Florida, SDB Church, was elected General Secretary by majority vote of the World...