Week of Prayer Day 5– Thursday

Written by Jeremiah Owen

January 8, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

“Accountable for Yourself” by Bethany Chroniger

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Scripture: Revelation 20:12Romans 14:10–12Hebrews 4:13Matthew 12:362 Corinthians 5:10

     No excuses will be accepted when we are standing before the Lord about to be judged.

     This past year God was convicting me of my people-pleasing tendencies. I struggle with wanting everyone to like me at times. I used to make excuses why I wouldn’t treat my body as the temple of God and eat right and exercise. I used to blame others for the reason why I wouldn’t read my Bible or spend personal, quality time with God.

     The Lord was gracious to point these things out and said, “Enough is enough. You are accountable for yourself.” It doesn’t matter what other people are doing. I am accountable for my decisions, actions, reactions, and thoughts that before God.

     God created me not only in His image, but He also created me “unique.” This means that only I can have my relationship with God because I am uniquely made. Only I can worship from my heart the way in which I was created. No one can worship God for me and I am held accountable.

Reflection: Is my relationship with the Lord a priority in my life? Am I prepared to explain my actions, activities, attitudes, and words to God? 


Father, Reveal to me the places in my life that are full of excuses. Remind me that no one else can have my relationship with Christ. No one else can bear fruit for me. Thank You that You equip those whom You call, and that You value relationship over sacrifice. Convict me when I am not putting You first. Amen

Pray for our brethren in Asia:

     The Philippines, India (Kerala and Andhra Pradesh) and all other new fields in that region like Indonesia.

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