Year-End Gifts help Africa

Written by Jeremiah Owen

April 3, 2014

Kenya well sm Uganda nets Burundi flood reliefDuring the 2013 Christmas season, the SDB

Missionary Societyencouraged people to send gifts to our brothers and sisters around the globe who are in need. From this campaign, gifts valuing over $2,200 are already in action, improving the lives of our brethren in Kenya, Burundi and Uganda in Africa. A well has been dug in Kenya, food has been provided to flood victims in Burundi, and many in Uganda have received life-saving mosquito nets.

For more information and to help support the SDB Missionary Society, go to

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10

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