Support comes from many sources

Written by Jeremiah Owen

April 7, 2014

Even though our official reader survey for the Sabbath Recorder ended a while ago, we’re still receiving positive feedback—and donations.

Social security concept

Emails, phone calls and conversations have affirmed the value of this monthly “connection” for Seventh Day Baptists. One couple felt that they could not tear out the survey page and instead mailed a letter with their precious feedback. Others caught up in “life” were unable to meet the survey deadline, but still wanted to lend their support by sending very encouraging email and phone messages.

And a donation card arrived recently with this handwritten note inscribed at the bottom: “Yes, I enjoy the Sabbath Recorder each month. It is worth a donation from a widow on a ‘fixed income.’ Thank you.”

This wonderful woman was thanking us as she sent in her gift of support. There may be many others out there who receive the Recorder and, on their fixed incomes, feel that they cannot send in a contribution. Maybe you could spare an extra gift to affirm those readers and keep our connection alive. Thanks so much for your ongoing support and feedback. It is vital and appreciated so much!!



You may click here to find our SR page at the website. See all of the current and past issues that we have available on-line, think about the thousands of other copies mailed out in the past, and rejoice with us that the Lord has blessed this connection since 1844. At the bottom of that web page, you can click on the “Make a Donation” button and help to maintain this media ministry. Thank you!

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