Historical Society’s Annual Meeting This Weekend!

It is once again time for the future of SDB historical work to be discussed!  As announced in the Sabbath Recorder, the Historical Society will be meeting this coming weekend, May 31-June 1 in Janesville.Saturday evening and Sunday morning, the Board of Directors will...

For your holiday reading pleasure: the June SR

Some young men from Wisconsin have traveled the country–and now to the other side of the world–to spread the Gospel via a skateboarding ministry! That’s just one of the features in the latest Sabbath Recorder. Hear also how one high-schooler compares...

Five Weeks until Appalachian!

One of our newer churches, the Full Gospel SDB Church in Cumberland, Maryland, will be hosting the Appalachian Association meetings for the first time on June 27-28.The Full Gospel SDB Church is located in the rural beauty of western Maryland, just off Route 220 near...

Nominate a Teacher (the time is now)

The time has come. The time has come. The time is now. SDB Church will you please nominate now! May 31 * , the deadline for nominating a Sabbath School teacher, is just around the corner. If you have been thinking, we ought to nominate My S.S. Teacher,  now is the...