Patricia Cruzan named Interim Editor

Written by Jeremiah Owen

May 7, 2014

PatCruzanThe SDB General Council has named Patricia “Pat” Cruzan of Shiloh, New Jersey, as the new Interim Editor of The Sabbath Recorder magazine. The Recorder has served the denomination since 1844.

Her name may be familiar to many of our older readers since she worked as the Recorder’s Art Director when John Bevis was editor in the 1970s and early ’80s.

After the SDB Center moved from Plainfield, NJ to Janesville, WI, Pat worked in the advertising department of a weekly newspaper. She then did layout and design for newsletters, ads, and a local magazine in an ad agency. Pat has a degree in English Literature from The King’s College in Briarcliff Manor, NY, and has taken a number of Adult Education Commercial Art courses.

Having worked with Mrs. Cruzan on many projects over the years, outgoing SREditor Kevin Butler is positive about the future.

“I’m excited to see how Pat will improve the looks of the old Recorder,” says Editor Butler. “Her previous work speaks for itself. Pat’s a wonderful graphic artist and a great servant of God. Our publication will be in good hands.” Butler steps down on June 30, completing 25 years of service.

    Her volunteer work on SDB projects includes:

  • Designing and editing the “Journey of a Lifetime” special edition of the SRin 2000
  • Designing three book covers for Rev. Don Sanford: Conscience Taken Captive, A Free People in Search of a Free Land, Greater Than Its Parts
  • Cover design and layout work for SDB tracts: The Facts of Life, Baptism, Pro & Con, What the Bible Teaches about the Sabbath, By What Authority. The “Identity” brochure thumbprint cover is her design along with the layout of its pages.
  • Created the newsletter for the Women’s Board when it was in Shiloh; designed the current Women’s Board logo
  • Several Conference theme logos (including this year’s “Choose” graphic for Pastor Steven James)
  • Brochures for the Memorial Board
  • Maintains the website for the Shiloh Church, makes brochures, ads, posters, and newsletter 
  • At General Conference, attends the Communications Interest Committee
  • Member of the New Media Committee and had input on new social media logo design

    Our Executive Director, Rob Appel shares, “Pat Cruzan has always been interested in our publications. Whether it is a tract, a mailer, a brochure, and especially the Recorder, you will find Pat involved and willing to share her expertise. She is passionate about print materials and their ability to send a message.” 

    Pat says, “I have always had a passion for the possibilities of spreading the Word through a denominational magazine. 

    “I am really pleased whenever given the opportunity to use the gift God has given me for Seventh Day Baptists.”

    She is married to George Cruzan and is a member of the Shiloh SDB Church. The Cruzans have three sons and eight grandchildren.

    Pat will work from her home in New Jersey. She can be reached by e-mail at

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