General Council Welcomes Andy Samuels at October Meeting

Written by Jeremiah Owen

October 16, 2015

The General Council met October 9-11, 2015 at the SDB Center in Janesville, WI.   It was a privilege to welcome Andy Samuels as the newest member, elected for a five year term at 2015 General Conference in Lancaster, PA last July.  The other members of General Council are Susie Fox (term expiring 2017, chair), Dannette Montague (term expiring 2016), Rod Noel (term expiring 2019, vice-chair), and Dale Thorngate (term expiring 2018).  SDB Executive Director, Rob Appel, and SDB Financial Director, Ron Ochs are also active, but non-voting members of General Council.  Dave Davis also attended the meeting as the General Council secretary.

GC Oct 2015 e

So what can seven dedicated SDB leaders talk about when they meet together for fourteen hours over a weekend?   In addition to reviewing the progress of our Directors and standing committees, the group also reviewed feedback from last July’s General Conference and preliminary plans for 2016 General Conference in Houghton, NY next summer.  Here are some of the other topics addressed during the October General Council meeting in Janesville:

  • Review of 2015 financial status, approved 2016 budget, and plans for preparing a 2017 budget to present at General Conference 2016
  • Review and assign 43 new action items from General Conference 2015 Business Sessions
  • Discuss and brainstorm fundraising and ways to increase giving to support new programs throughout 2016
  • Time in prayer for the members of our Coordinating Leadership Team (CLT)
  • Reinforce our commitment to use and communicate the SDB Vision Map introduced last summer at General Conference
  • Preliminary plans and location selection for 2017 General Conference in southern California
  • Look ahead at 2017 and what changes we may want to initiate to better equip our churches to actively advance God’s Kingdom

The next in-person meeting of the General Council will be a joint meeting with the Coordinating Leadership Team (CLT) March 4-6, 2016 in Miami.  They will, however, hold a January 2016 video conference meeting.   Any concerns or feedback for the General Council can be addressed to

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