Youth Conference and Young Adult Activities at General Conference Meetings, 2016

Written by Nicholas Kersten

April 27, 2016

In response to a recommendation from the Christian Education Council and by action of General Conference in 2015, this year there will be no Youth or Young Adult Pre-Cons.  Instead, we are introducing one new ministry for youth and supporting young adult ministries at this year’s General Conference.

For the young adults (those who have graduated high school and are aged 18-29) we will have activities organized by the young adults and their activity coordinator.  Specifically, there will be Bible Studies and worship times specifically for Young Adults, as well as a Young Adult Banquet and the continuing of the Coffee House, which has been sponsored by the Young Adults for the past several years.  By Conference action, we are working with the individuals elected to take responsibility for these activities and we are confident they will be a blessing for the Young Adults who choose to attend this year’s General Conference.  In order to have an accurate sense of who is planning to participate, we ask young adults registering who plan to attend to note that in the designated place on the registration for or online.  Beyond this single change, young adults should register normally for Conference, including their desired sleeping and meal arrangements.

There are several changes for youth at Conference this year.  For students who have completed 9th grade, we are starting a new youth leadership conference called “Leaders Without Limits.”  This new youth Conference will run concurrently with the General Conference sessions at the same site, but will provide specific leadership training for our youth.  This portion of the program was recommended by the Youth Interest Committee at last year’s Conference.  In addition to the leadership training program, the Youth will also have a devoted Bible Study, worship times, a banquet (see below), and their own evening recreational events (also below).  The Director for Leaders Without Limits this year is Pastor Steve Osborn of the Boulder, CO SDB Church, but will include staff from around the country as well as guest speakers from the ministries from the Conference.  We are looking forward to a time of learning, worshipping, training and fun for the youth this year at Houghton!

There is a registration fee of $25 associated with Leaders Without Limits, so be sure to register your students on the Conference registration form in this issue of the Recorder or online!  It is important for parents and sponsors to note that Leaders Without Limits is the youth program at Conference this year—no other programming is available for your youth!  If you choose not to register your high school aged students for Leaders Without Limits, you will be choosing for your students not to participate in the youth activities, youth Bible Study and the Youth Banquet!  Parents of students in this age group who are sending their students to Leaders Without Limits should register their students as usual, including Conference registration, meals and the Youth Banquet.  In terms of housing, a special youth Conference floor is available and will be staffed with the Youth Conference staff.  Sponsors should plan to stay in the same building as the Youth Conference, though not on the same floor.  Parents who wish for their students to reside with them and not with the rest of Youth Conference are advised to note this along with their registration.

For our students who have completed 7th and 8th grade, they will have their own bible study and classes throughout the day, and will participate in the youth activities in the evening, as well as being able to participate in the youth banquet.  Parents of students in this age group who want their students to participate in the Youth Banquet should be sure to register for the appropriate ticket!

If you have questions about these changes or how to register, please contact Nick Kersten at (608)752-5055 or email him at

Registration for General Conference will begin May 1 and run through June 30.  More information about registration for this year’s General Conference can be found in the May 2016 Sabbath Recorder.

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