2018 SDB Week of Prayer: Day 3 (January 9)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018                                                                           The Meeting Place was Shaken

Powerful Prayer Seeks First the Kingdom of God

Scriptures to Consider: Psalm 86:11; Matthew 6:5-13; Matthew 6:33; John 13:33-34;

Philippians 1:9-11; Philippians 2:-5; Colossians 1:9-11; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Revelation 5:9


A third biblical practice for powerful prayer is seeking God’s Kingdom first in everything. There are 51 references to God’s Kingdom in the book of Matthew. It is what Jesus came preaching about and what He encouraged others to be seeking. There must be some importance to this concept of Kingdom. In Jesus’ teaching on prayer, the Kingdom of God is mentioned in how not to pray and then how to pray appropriately and in God’s power.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. What does this mean? First, the Kingdom is wherever Christ’s rule and reign is present and active. Second, the Kingdom culture puts God’s interests and will ahead of our own. Third, the Kingdom includes every tribe, tongue, and nation. Fourth, the Kingdom and its culture can impact society through justice and goodwill.

If we seek the Kingdom first, it has implications on our life’s priorities and goals. Kingdom thinking and praying desires for it to be like eternity here on earth. It does not eliminate other desires but rather prioritizes them so that we desire living water before actual water or others before ourselves. Your identity will change from whatever it has been to servant of God and citizen of heaven.

Seeking the Kingdom includes building up the body of believers (the citizenship of the Kingdom) by being faithful to the “one anothers” of Scripture. God’s redemption plan and Christ’s Kingdom agent is the church. Therefore, the health of the body of Christ is integral to God’s plan to make the “Kingdom come”.

However, the heart of God desires all to become citizens of the Kingdom. Not only must we be praying for the faithfulness of those who profess faith in Christ, we must be praying for and serving those who are far from Christ in their belief and living.  God intends for us to be active in our communities to speak the gospel and to live the gospel. This is how the Kingdom grows. Our obedience to God impacts the lives of those we love and those we live with.


Prayer Focus: In your prayer time today, pray for what God’s heart longs for. Seek God’s Kingdom first. Pray the prayers of the disciples and of Jesus. Is your heart willing to delay meeting your personal desires to help God fulfill His desires? Pray for others in your church. Pray for your church leaders as they equip the believers for ministry. Pray for your political leaders (city, region, country). Pray for revival among those who profess faith. Pray for doors of opportunity to reach those who have never heard the gospel. Pray for how you might serve King Jesus.

Pray for Seventh Day Baptists in North and South America (United States, Canada, & Brazil).

You can get the booklet in pdf format here: 2018 SDB Week of Prayer Booklet

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