2018 SDB Week of Prayer: Day 5 (January 11)

Thursday, January 11, 2018                                                                                  The Meeting Place was Shaken

Powerful Prayer Casts All Cares Upon God

Scriptures to Consider: Psalm 18:3-19; Psalm 22:10; John 2:1-12; Philippians 4:6-7;

1 Peter 5:7-10


A fifth biblical practice of powerful prayer is casting all of our cares upon God. There will be times in our lives when we will be personally in need. We might be going through a trial. We might be experiencing temptation. We may need major provision. We may need safety. In times such as these, our transformed hearts will cry out to God to save us, to help us, and to heal us.

We are encouraged in Scripture at times such as these to cast all of our cares upon the Lord “because He cares for you”.

Three characteristics marked the heroes of faith in their interactions with God and enabled them to be able to cast all of their cares upon Him.

  1. They really believed that God loved them and cared about them personally.

They had personal relationships with God that helped give them comfort and faith to make it through rough times.

  1. They looked to God as the source to meet their needs.

When they were tempted to rely on their own power to solve their problems, they were reminded that God’s plans and ways are better than their own plans.

  1. They trusted God to handle things according to His wisdom.

God has in store for us the best things and ways to accomplish His purposes; both for His glory and for our good.

God wants us to trust Him. Too often our prayers to Him look like needy children whining at their parents. When this happens, the children are asking but they don’t expect an answer. This is why God wants us not to worry about things. He will encourage in us an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude so that we might protect our hearts. Gratitude reminds us that God’s heart really wants the best for us and that we can trust Him. We do not need to badger Him or explain what He ought to do for us. We only need the assurance that He hears us and knows our hearts and what is best for us.


Prayer Focus: What keeps you from sharing your burdens with God and with others in your church? Do you believe that God wants what is best for you? What are you thankful to God for? What is my attitude toward prayer when I am grateful for God’s mercy and grace with respect to my life?

Pray for Seventh Day Baptists in Asia (The Philippines & India).

You can get the booklet in pdf format here: 2018 SDB Week of Prayer Booklet

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