Attention families of children who will be in the Conference Nursery (and anyone else interested in volunteering)!! The Conference Nursery will be open for kids through age 4 during the mornings, afternoons, and evenings on Monday-Friday and Sabbath morning worship.! In order to make that work, we need a group of Nursery volunteers with background checks!! We are asking that at least 1 adult from each family that plans on using the Nursery throughout the week of Conference fill out a Background Check form and return it by email by July 15!! The chance to volunteer in the Nursery is not only an amazing ministry for both the kids and their families, but also an opportunity for fun in a room full of little humans who are excited just to get to hang out with you!! For more information- contact Erin Inabnit at or 951-333-6860
Thanksgiving Communication Illusion
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”[1] Think about all the ways...