Digital versions of Winter Helping Hand Available!!!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

November 19, 2018

The Christian Education Council is pleased to report that the Winter 2019 quarter of the Helping Hand is now available as a PDF in the Conference eStore and for Amazon Kindle.  The lessons begin for Sabbath, December 1, 2019, with devotions for the preceding week.
Synopsis: Much has been written about God’s love for us, and rightly so. Without it, our lives would be meaningless and we would be without hope in the world. However, one of our most important responses to His love is to love Him back. “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Everything, in life and eternity, hinges on this.

This quarter’s study begins with God’s demands for our complete and undivided love as shown in passages from Deuteronomy and Psalms. It proceeds with our response to God’s love in the advent of Christ, and the Epistles’ interpretations of the nature and extent of our responses to God’s love in Christ. It concludes with passages from three of the Psalms expressing glorification of God.

Link to Amazon Kindle:
Link to Conference eStore version:

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