Update: Helping Hand Delays, 11-30-18

Written by Nicholas Kersten

November 30, 2018

As we approach the first printed Sabbath lesson for the new quarter of the Helping Hand, it is time to update the progress on the delays reported early last week.

We are glad to report that we believe we have parcels in transit to nearly all of our subscribers who received the wrong number of quarterlies.  Many, if not most, of those parcels should arrive to subscribers by today.  

We have spoken to many of our subscribers this week, and have given instructions for how copies can be moved between locations to cover everyone’s needs.  We have been blessed at the SDB Center this week by the generosity, caring and willingness to help of our subscribers in solving this difficulty.  Special recognition is due to the Shiloh SDB Church, and Pastor Don Chroniger, and also to Norma MacLuskie of Newport News, VA, for their efforts to aid us in moving copies around the country to meet the needs!  We are grateful for the understanding of so many of you!

A few issues remain to address, however!  For those issue that remain…

If you do not have your full amount of subscriptions to the Helping Hand at this time and you have been in contact with us, rest assured they are in transit.  If you have not received your quarterlies by next Wednesday, December 5, please contact us immediately to get another shipment sent to you.

If you do not have your full amount of subscriptions to the Helping Hand at this time and you have not already been in contact with us here at the SDB Center in Janesville, please contact us immediately so we can arrange to get you the copies that you need.  

If you have received a number of copies of the publication but the number you received appears to be very different than the quantity you ordered, please contact us immediately so we can arrange to get you the copies that you need.  This is especially true of those who received far too many copies–our ability to serve those who have remaining issues is tied to some of those misplaced copies returning to us!  If you have too many copies, please contact us, and we will arrange with you to return the copies, including reimbursing your expenses to return them and/or issues you credits to your account.

If you have received a number near the number you were supposed to receive but the label was incorrect, at this point, PLEASE KEEP WHAT YOU WERE SENT!  Please make use of the copies you have currently and then contact us and let us get you the rest of what you need.

To contact us:

Jan Ehlers:  jan_ehlers@seventhdaybaptist.org or by phone (608) 752-5055 ext. 1001

Nick Kersten: nkersten@seventhdaybaptist.org or by phone (608) 752-5055 ext. 1006 or cell (608) 201-4850

For those of you who have not received your shipments as yet, this is your reminder that the first three weeks of the digital version remain available for download below!

Pages from 2019 Q1 (DJF) Large Print (FIRST THREE WEEKS)

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