The First SDB Church in Cuba a Reality!

Written by Jeremiah Owen

September 17, 2019

On Sabbath, Sept 7, 2019, Evangelist Ricardo Sepulveda, (Riverside SDB Church, CA.) and I (Andy Samuels) were present to share in the dedication of the first SDB Church in Cuba, located in the community of Emilia, about 85 miles east of Havana. It was a time of celebration and jubilation as Pastor Norge Jesus Pena Hijuelo affirmed his commitment to continue serving as Pastor, with the pledged support of his wife Yomeidis and the congregation enthusiastically declared their devotion to the ministries of their Church. Our newly connected Brethren walked through the community demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ in multiple ways, including preaching the Gospel, sharing testimonies, inviting persons to the weekend services and distributing practical gifts.

Reading glasses were gifted to several elderly people after administering a simple eye test to them. The process concluded with beneficiaries, wearing their new reading glasses, asked to read a verse from the Gospel of John – Interesting. The celebration continued with nine persons committing their lives to Jesus Christ, seven of whom were baptized in the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico the following day – Praise the Lord! “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”- Matthew 24:14 ~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director


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