Creation Groans – An Appeal for the SDB United Relief Fund

An update on ways that SDB’s can partner together for disaster relief in Puerto Rico:

22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.  (Romans 8:22-23 ESV)

In the past few weeks, we have seen the “groaning” of creation with a series of earthquakes in Puerto Rico. This “groaning” is the desire of the creation longing to be reunited with the Creator just as those who believe that He is returning long to be reunited with our Lord and Savior.

To this end, we groan together in anticipation that one day soon we will be set free from the bondage of sin and slavery. To this end, we believe in the gospel and that the transformational power it has in our lives will manifest itself in the New Heavens and the New Earth. To this end, we groan and we abide in Him to live our day to day lives.

With the needs in Puerto Rico and around the world, there are others who can use our help. The gospel that has taken root in us has created a generosity that tries to mirror the generosity of grace provided by our God. We are encouraging you to share generously with those who are in need. While there are many reputable agencies with which to partner, the SDB United Relief Fund is designed to help the needs of SDB’s around the world and the communities in which they are located. 

In the aftermath of this series of earthquakes, many are homeless as their homes have crumbled and many more are sleeping outside in fear of their home or shelter collapsing on them. Infrastructure, which was just beginning to be rebuilt after the disastrous hurricanes in 2017, is falling apart once again leaving many without power. The U.S. Geological Survey is anticipating more aftershocks. 

In coordination with our Conference leadership and church leadership in Puerto Rico, efforts are underway to attempt to meet some of those needs. We value your partnership and generosity with the United Relief Fund. You may assist SDBs in their efforts to help victims of the Puerto Rico earthquakes by donating to the SDB United Relief Fund. 

You may give online through EasyTithe. Please select the SDB United Relief Fund as the giving option. 

You may also mail checks made payable to SDB United Relief Fund to:

SDB Center, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547

All of the donations given until the end of January 2020 will be used for earthquake relief in Puerto Rico. 

May our prayers continue unceasingly to convict us of the part we need to play in mitigating the effects of this natural disaster.  Thank you for partnering together in prayer and responsiveness.

On behalf of the SDB Directors and CSADR,

Carl Greene and John Pethtel


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