The Summit 2020 Cancelled

To my SDB Pastor Colleagues, 

After meeting with General Council on Friday, March 13 and in considering the timelines for many closures, the uncertainty of travel, the restrictions of bi-vocational employers, and the advice of the state of Colorado Health Department, we are making the decision to cancel The Summit 2020 set to take place in the Denver, CO area. 

All registrations already paid will be refunded within the next few weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused those that have already made travel plans. Many airlines have been lenient with their cancellation policies and have at least allowed credit for future use if not refunds. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me over the next few weeks if you have any further questions or if you think that I can help in any way. 

I always look forward to this time together and will surely miss it this year. However, you can make tentative plans for The Summit 2021. The dates will be April 23-25, 2021 and we are hoping to hold it in Florida. 

Continue to lead your congregations well! We appreciate you! 

Your Colleague and Friend,

John Pethtel
Director of Pastoral Services
SDB General Conference



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