Coming Soon to a Screen Near You!: Virtual Conference Week 2020

Written by John Pethtel

June 22, 2020

We are disappointed that we will not be able to gather together in-person in Grand Rapids, MI at the end of July for our annual Conference Week due to its cancellation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, President Kevin Butler, the General Council, and the Conference Directors are pleased to be able to bring a flavor of our Conference Week and President Butler’s theme, Fix Your Eyes on Jesus, to a wider audience virtually during the same week (July 26-August 1, 2020). 

Conference Directors and a team of volunteers are working to facilitate: 

  • reports and video presentations by the General Council and Conference Directors
  • a Conference Spirit Week with different daily themes
  • a virtual 5K (hosted by the SDB Missionary Society)
  • Q&A sessions with Conference Directors (via Zoom)
  • a Youth Summer Virtual Bash for grades 9-12 (via Zoom; led by Debbie Bond)
  • a Kid Con for children from grades K-5 (via FB group; led by Eliana Chroniger)
  • a Mid Con for grades 6-8 (via YouTube & Discord; led by Michaella Osborn)
  • a morning Bible study (via FB Live; led by Matt Butler)
  • an address by President Butler on the 2020 Conference Week theme, Fix Your Eyes on Jesus (via FB Live)
  • the Women’s Society Business Meeting (via Zoom)
  • a Night of Worship concert (via FB Live; led by Southeast Atlanta SDB Church)
  • a Pastors and Spouses Forum (via Zoom)
  • an Interview with International Guests (via FB Live; hosted by the SDB Missionary Society)
  • a Hymn Sing (via FB Live; led by Don & Charlotte Chroniger)
  • an address from President Butler unveiling the 2021 Conference Week theme

We will also be encouraging our churches to collect an offering to aid in the ministries of the General Conference on Sabbath, August 2, 2020. 

We are encouraging individuals and churches to share these events on their social media channels and/or host watch parties (on social media or in-person). It is our hope that people who may not have ever attended a Conference Week or may not have ever heard of Seventh Day Baptists might participate in some of the Virtual Conference Week 2020 events. 

President Kevin Butler

More and updated information will be appearing on the Conference Week 2020 web page ( as well as SDB social media channels. Please visit there to find out dates, times, instructions, registrations, and more information. You may also email or phone the Conferences Coordinator, John Pethtel (; 608-752-5055 ext. 702) for questions not answered on the Conference Week 2020 web page.  

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