Women’s Society Annual Love Gift Collection

Written by Jenni Wangsness

August 2, 2020

Thank you very much for the 4 Society members who came together to prayerfully decide how to share the love this year! We will share the $$ received equally among each of these fine causes, so our goal is to raise at least $3000. Now it’s your turn to prayerfully consider how much God is calling you to give! Maybe what you would have spent on a banquet ticket, around $30? If each woman who usually attends the banquet (around 100 of us) gave $30, that would get us to our goal! Or if you would feel led to donate $10 for each of these causes, that would be around $60. Maybe God is calling you to give more this year, perhaps 1/2 of what you would have spent on Conference registration fees, around $250? Or perhaps you would like to involve the ladies in your local women’s group in a creative fundraising idea of your own? However you choose to give, we are blessed to share the love with those around us! You can also choose to send a check to the Center address in Janesville @ Post Office Box 1678 Janesville, WI 53547-1678

Michaella Osborn – Global Frontier Missions
Sister Shirley Morgan – Missions in Nicaragua
Thuphakula – young girl in India who’s family committed suicide due to Covid-19
Church planting in Cairo Egypt by Sudan refugees
Lydia’s House – housing for homeless single/pregnant women in Florida
Pastor Joel and Pastora Judith Hauts in Puerto Rico

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