21 Days of Prayer for SDB Church Planting

Think about the difference between prayers of convenience and passion filled prayers. Sometimes I pray for things as they pop into my mind, like finding lost keys. These are needed prayers, but focused on my convenience in the moment. Now consider passion filled prayers that focus on a broader need, but require discipline to bring to mind. This is the prayer that guides us in joining God in His work, such as in church planting.

Tim Bice describes it this way, “We…have a tendency to drift toward self-reliance…we…need reminders that we are dependent on God. It’s all too easy for us to assume our church plant depends on us. A focus on our endeavor squeezes out time for prayer and perhaps squeezes out room for God to work.”[1] The weeks coming up provide us with an opportunity to join God in His work of church planting!

Beginning Sunday, September 6th, 2020, we will engage in 21 days of prayer for SDB Church Planting. Thank you to the SDB Church Planting Task Force for calling us to this necessary season of prayer. Our prayer focus is to pray for SDBs to plant the gospel in places that may not have ever heard the name of Jesus Christ or may not know the true gospel.

If you would like to receive daily reflections during these 21 days of prayer, please contact me at cgreene@seventhdaybaptist.org. I am looking forward to partnering with you in prayer!

Grace and peace,

Carl Greene, Executive Director, SDB General Conference of USA and Canada

[1] https://www.acts29.com/planting-through-prayer/

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