SDB Church Planting Initiative: Next Steps

While some announcements are simply the news that you have to share (which is usually bad news), other announcements are a joy to share because they reflect significant progress or something to celebrate. This is one of those joy filled announcements.

On behalf of the SDB General Council and the SDB General Conference Directors, I would like to announce the next exciting step in the area of SDB church planting. We believe that God is leading us into some bold next steps that are exceptionally significant, and build off of the foundation we have been working on for a considerable period of time.

If you would like the details of what we have been doing, and where we are going, please click on one of the following links to see the video: YouTube Announcement or FB Live Announcement.

The quick summary is this: a number of people faithfully serving, generously giving, and passionately praying puts us in a place to onboard a Church Planting Coordinator onto the SDB General Conference Team. This individual will be networking with SDB church planters, connecting healthy churches as sponsors with churches in development, and utilizing our rapidly expanding data base of church plant contacts, potential planters, and church group leads to be able to further facilitate the healthy growth that we believe God is calling us to as a General Conference.

The job description and application process will be available on November 1st, and application submissions will close on November 30th. If you are interested in learning more about this position and receive a job description, please contact Brittany Kersten at the SDB Center at: If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your resume or C.V. to Brittany Kersten by email, along with a cover letter. The cover letter should answer two key questions: 1) Why are you applying? 2) What is your philosophy of church planting?

I would like to close by celebrating the key partnerships that makes this next step possible. There are talented people serving faithfully (I would like to highlight John Pethtel, Patty Petersen, and the Church Planting Task Force with that). There are also key leveraging partnerships: support from the SDB Memorial Board, Team 21 church planting prayer partners, and generous Seventh Day Baptists who have encouraged this next step through giving of their treasure.

I am incredibly thankful for the journey we have been on. And now, it is with great expectancy that I look forward to seeing the next steps unfold as we continue to join God in His church multiplication work. To Him be the glory.

Restored for a purpose,

Carl Greene

Executive Director, SDB General Conference of USA and Canada

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