Colorado Welcomes SDB Pastors

Written by John Pethtel

April 30, 2015

pc 2015

The biennial SDB Pastor’s Conference took place from April 21-24, 2015 and was hosted by the Boulder SDB Church and the pastors from the Mid-Continent Association of SDBs. The theme for this year’s event was “Pastor as Leader”. Fifty-three pastors and leaders registered with fifty-one in attendance for at least part of the time.

Worship was led each morning with music by Dustin Mackintosh and devotionals by Chris Galarneau, JoAnne Kandel, Clyde Thompson, and JR Shick. Our presenters included Andrew Samuels on “Leading in Missions”, Nathan Crandall on “Leading in Prayer”, Rod Henry on “Leading through Discouragement”, Dustin Mackintosh on “Leading through Preaching”, Matthew Olson on “Leading other Leaders”, and John Pethtel on “Leading through Revitalization”. On Wednesday we were blessed by our special guest presenter, Dr. Gordon MacDonald, who challenged us on leading through change and by example.

The hospitality from the Boulder SDB Church was first class and even though there was snow on the ground at Camp Paul Hummel, the guests really enjoyed the accommodations and the scenic views. The cooks also did an amazing job feeding us.  

There were many opportunities for fellowship and informal sharing between class sessions. Many pastors were able to spend this time with God and with colleagues being refreshed, renewed, and recharged for service to our churches.

We ended our time together Friday morning by praying for one another and for our churches.

If your pastor attended, thank you for allowing this experience for them. If they were not able to attend this time, don’t forget to plan for 2017.

If your church might be interested in hosting our Pastors Conference, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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