Next Steps Happening in SDB Christian Education

Written by Jeremiah Owen

October 28, 2014

2013-10-27 BCE Directors Retreat_0Last weekend the directors of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, Inc. (BCE) met in Alfred Station, NY and through tele-conferencing.  The group reviewed the progress of dissolution and merging Christian Education ministry into the organizational structure of the SDB General Conference.  If all goes well, this will be the last regular meeting of the 14 person BCE Board of Directors.
An offer has been received and accepted to purchase the Van Horn building currently being used as the BCE office with a late November closing date.  The books and records of historical importance will be moved to the SDB Center in Janesville.  BCE is currently awaiting approval of the petition for dissolution which has been submitted to the New York Attorney General’s office to officially take the final steps.
A new Seventh Day Baptist Christian Education (SDBCE) advisory group was formed at 2014 Conference in Minnesota is already acting as the primary contact for Christian Education.  Members of the SDBCE advisory board (all on the previous board) are Peggy Chroniger, Paul Andries, Charlotte Chroniger, William Shobe, and Omari Rhoden.   Although the structure is a change from the previous BCE Board of Directors, their mission and responsibilities are unchanged.  The new SDBCE group will meet this coming weekend, November 1, also in Alfred Station, NY.   In-coming Director of Education and History, Nick Kersten, and SDB Executive Director Rob Appel will also be attending they look ahead at plans for 2015.  

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