News from New Jersey – A Summary of the September 2014 General Council Meeting

Written by Jeremiah Owen

September 29, 2014

 shilohFor our September 19-21, 2014, we were joined by Conference President Bill Probasco, Interim SR Editor Pat Cruzan, and Chairman of the Memorial Fund Trustees George Cruzan. Pastor Dale Thorngate was absent from this meeting due to his travel on behalf of the World Federation to Brazil and Chile.

During our meetings, we review updates from all of our Boards, Allied Societies, and Standing Committees. We appreciate the work that they provide to us on a volunteer basis. The next time you see someone serving our General Conference in one of these roles please thank them for their hard work.

Here are the highlights from our meeting:

  • We reviewed and updated our Transition Plan based on Gordon Lawton’s recent resignation and the progress being made on the BCE and Historical Society actions to move into the Conference structure. Look for communications in the SR and SDBlog over the next 30-60 days to see pieces of our Transition Plan in process.

  • We also finished part of our Strategic Vision (“sandbox) and look forward to sharing it with SDB leaders in the near future.

  • A list of 41 Action Items from the 2014 General Conference sessions have been assigned and are being tracked; 8 of the 41 items have been completed already. 

  • We reviewed the Conference Survey from the 2014 General Conference sessions and noted areas for short and long term improvements. If you participated, THANK YOU! 

It is a privilege to serve Christ and SDBs through our General Council. Please don’t hesitate to contact Rob Appel or one of the General Council members to share your concerns or feedback. 

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