Sustaining Hope: September—November 2014

Written by Jeremiah Owen

August 29, 2014

2014su_0The fall quarter of the Helping Hand in Bible Study begins Sunday, August 31, 2015. This quarter explores  Sustaing Hope and primarily studies passages of Scripture from Jeremiah, Job, and Ezekiel.

The Large Print PDF Edition was emailed to churches who have requested the service this past week.

The Kindle Edition (Sustaining Hope: September—November 2014) is available now. The Kindle edition can be read on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, and even your Windows or Mac pc. It can be purchased from The first Sabbath of the new quarter is September 6, so now is a perfect time to buy your copy from Amazon.

If you’d like to get the Daily Bible Meditationsdelivered daily by email, just sign up here: Daily Bible Meditations.

To find out more about the quarter, read what Pastor Steve Osborn, general editor, has to say:

I remember several years ago at our US & Canada SDB General Conference sessions, some of our brothers and sis-ters with Jamaican heritage taught us a song called, “Better Days are Coming.” It is a song of great hope and joy, serving to lift your spirit from present circumstances and fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our Faith who brings hope into every situation.

Hope can be a delicate thing—easily destroyed and dif-ficult to restore. Yet it has always been one of the most treasured qualities of God’s people. Throughout Scripture, God’s people faced dark and perilous times on numerous occassions. Through it all, God’s promises would come ringing through the darkness as a beacon of hope, promising that no matter how bad things might have looked, better days were coming.

The theme for this quarter’s volume, “Sustaining Hope,” reminds us of how God has always provided hope for His people by reminding us of how He carried His people through some of the most difficult times in their history. From the prophecies of Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Isaiah to the experiences of Job and David, God has always promised to carry us through our trials and bring us through to better times. Ultimately, all of these promises of hope pointed forward to our Ultimate Hope, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

My prayer is that in studying these great and precious promises from God to His people, you, too, will be comforted and encouraged in whatever circumstances you are currently going through.

To God be the glory,


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