BCE Directors Vote to Approve Plan

Written by Jeremiah Owen

July 7, 2014


On Sunday, June 29, 2014, the board of directors of The Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education (BCE) set in motion a process to ensure that the ministry of BCE is merged into the ministry of the General Conference.

Last October, in response to a General Conference recommendation, the board of directors of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, Inc. “Resolved, that the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, Inc. will move toward merging with the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference USA and Canada, Ltd. as soon as is practical.

Through the winter and into the spring, the Board of Christian Education has been working with the General Council of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, USA & Canada, Ltd, and legal counsel to create and implement a plan to assure that merging BCE ministries into a conference agency will happen with as little disruption to ministry as is possible.

After reviewing the options available to “merge” with the Conference, the BCE board of directors determined, with the consent of General Council, that the best path forward was to create a new agency in the Conference dedicated to Christian Education, to transfer BCE ministry to the new agency, to dissolve the NY corporation, and to distribute BCE assets to the Conference with a designation for Christian Education.

As part of this plan, on Sunday, June 29, 2014, the board of the directors of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, Inc. (BCE) adopted a resolution which approves a plan of dissolution and distribution of assets. This plan will be presented to the members of the corporation at the BCE Annual meeting on July 28, 2014. If the corporation approves the plan, it will be submitted to the proper authorities in NY state to begin the official process dissolving the corporation and transferring its assets to the General Conference.

The BCE annual corporation meeting notice was published in the June Sabbath Recorder. It is also available on our website: Annual Corporation Meeting Notice.

Minutes of the BCE directors meeting are available here: PDF copy of minutes.

The plan of dissolution is available here: PDF copy of resolution.


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