The People of God Set Priorities: June—August 2014

Written by Jeremiah Owen

May 23, 2014

2014suA new quarter of lessons for The Helping Hand in Bible Study begins this coming Sunday.

The Kindle Edition (Helping Hand in Bible Study: The People of God Set Priorities) is available now. For this quarter, we’ve added verse numbers. That makes it easier to see exactly where you are and to use that information when you talk with others in class. The Kindle edition can be read on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, and even your Windows or Mac pc. It can be purchased from (Helping Hand in Bible Study: The People of God Set Priorities). The first Sabbath of the new quarter is May 31, so this is the perfect time to get your copy.

If you’d like to get the Daily Bible Meditations delivered daily by email, just sign up here: Daily Bible Meditations.

To find out more about the quarter, read what Pastor Steve Osborn, general editor, has to say:

Is there anyone who does not struggle from time to time with properly setting their priorities? How much pain and anguish could we save ourselves if we only learned this lesson? How much more smoothly would our daily work go? How much more effective could we be in the work of the Kingdom? I guess we can take some solace in the fact that we are not alone. According to this quarter’s lessons, this problem of setting priorities goes back a long, long way.

We will have the privilege of reviewing prophecies from Haggai and Zechariah and their challenging of Israel to keep their priorities straight as they focused on the task of rebuilding the temple following their return from exile. We will also listen in as Paul, in both of his letters to the church at Corinth, called believers to pay close attention to areas like unity, encouragement, prayer, forgiveness, cooperation, and sharing for the sake of prioritizing community within the church, the promotion of the Gospel, and the glory of God.

My prayer is that you will be challenged, encouraged, and built up as a result of our study together with the result that God is glorified and His Kingdom is built up.

To God be the glory,


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