Nominate a Teacher (the time is now)

Written by Jeremiah Owen

May 22, 2014

2014-04-02 ssty_packet_1The time has come.
The time has come.
The time is now.
SDB Church will you please nominate now!

May 31 , the deadline for nominating a Sabbath School teacher, is just around the corner. If you have been thinking, we ought to nominate My S.S. Teacher,  now is the time to make that happen.

If you missed the package of information about the Crystal Apple Award, you may download a copy from the BCE website ( .

Here is the nomination information for 2014:

The Sabbath School Committee of the Board of Christian Education invites your Seventh Day Baptist church to nominate one Sabbath School teacher for the Crystal Apple Award.

The Board seeks nominees whose outstanding teaching skills have contributed to the Christian nurture of our people. Because only one person is selected not everyone worthy of recognition will be identified and honored. Nevertheless, we seek to honor one teacher on behalf of the many who have shared Christ and His teachings.

Member and branch churches of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference USA & Canada, Ltd., may nominate a Sabbath School teacher.

Eligibility & Nomination 

  • Nominee: 
    • Is a member in good standing of the nominating church.
    • Exhibits the qualities of faith and teaching found in the life and teachings of Christ.
    • Currently serves as a Sabbath School teacher.
  • Local Church: 
    • Is a member or branch church of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference USA & Canada, Ltd.
    • Certifies the nominee’s church membership, present Sabbath School teaching position, previous Sabbath School teaching experience, unique teaching skills or practices, and other Christian education service.
    • Attaches to the nomination comments from students or parents (in the case of teachers of children) supporting the nominee’s teaching effectiveness.
    • The local pastor and superintendent will submit the nomination to the Board of Christian Education office by email, fax, or post by the deadline of May 31, 2014. The date of submission is determined by when the document arrives at the Board office.
    • Churches from whose membership a person has received the Sabbath School Teacher of the Year Award shall be ineligible for the next three years. For 2014, nominees will not be considered from the Boulder, CO (Vic Skaggs); Salemville, PA (Bud Claycomb); and Riverside, CA (Kurt Berg) churches.
  • Nomination forms 
    • Nomination forms were mailed to member churches. You may download the form from this web page:
    • As long as all of the information requested on the nomination form is provided in an easily identified manner, the church may substitute its own format for the nomination.

*Since May 31 is a Sabbath day, we will honor submissions that arrive on June 1 this year.

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