Uniting as One Voice for National Day of Prayer

Written by Jeremiah Owen

April 22, 2015

From the National Day of Prayer committee:

Nat Day of Prayer 2014

As our nation struggles with continued economic insecurity, vast healthcare change, and continual challenges to basic constitutional rights, citizens of the United States are preparing to exercise one of their most precious freedoms – the right to gather, worship, and pray to God. Following in the footsteps of our nation’s founders, who fought for religious freedom, millions will assemble at thousands of local National Day of Prayer events across America, where they will take time out of their daily schedules to intercede on behalf of their communities, their nation, and their leaders.

The theme for the 2014 National Day of Prayer, is “One Voice, United in Prayer,” emphasizing the need for individuals to join together in corporate prayer, calling upon the unfailing character of God, Who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men – the God under Whom this nation stands. To further highlight this theme, Romans 15:6 was selected as the Scripture for this year: “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

John Bornschein, National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force Vice-Chairman, stated, “This 63rd annual, national observance on May 1st, will have profound significance for our country. By joining together in prayer, we have an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as we call upon citizens to humbly come before His throne.”

Listen to a 30-second promo by Honorary Chairman Anne Graham Lotz here. For more information, go to nationaldayofprayer.org.

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