Fall T&CC Meetings Were A Rousing Success

Written by Jeremiah Owen

November 9, 2015

Every year when fall arrives it means one thing. No, not the “Fall Classic”, or football or even basketball… no, it means time for the T&CC (Tract and Communication Council) to meet! 

Members traveled in from all over the United States to the denominational offices in Janesville for face to face meetings to discuss current and future initiatives for how we communicate. Each month T&CC meets via Fuze for “face to screen” meetings, however, the council looks forward to the several times a year that it gets together in person. After welcoming the council’s new member Pastor Scott Hausrath they dug right in to the work at hand. Topics included: updating tracts, the Sabbath Recorder, social media, merchandise and many other items under their purview. The council appreciates your prayers for the work they are undertaking.

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Back Row (L to R) Jeremiah Owen, Dave Alldredge, Scott Hausrath, Levi Bond. Front Row (L to R) Jason Yost, Johnmark Camenga, Gretchen Zwiebel, Pat Cruzan

T&CC is seeking volunteers to help with several projects, if you have been blessed with a gift in the areas of: website development, video production or would like to be a part of some upcoming video and projects relating to your experience as an SDB, please contact Jeremiah Owen

If you aren’t able to help with your talents, your gifts are another great way to contribute to the work being done and ensuring it can continue at the high level you’ve come to expect which you can do online quickly and easily here. The council looks forward to working hard to spread the Gospel and assist churches in their missions to do the same.


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