Registration for SDB Summer Institute 2016 on Polity is Now Open!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

December 15, 2015

Each year, Seventh Day Baptists, through their Council on Ministry and their School of Ministry, conduct classes on specific areas of SDB life and ministry for our pastors and leaders called Summer Institute.  These classes are targeted for those who are active in pastoral ministry in their local SDB church and need additional training on the distinctive beliefs and practices of Seventh Day Baptist churches.   These classes are offered on a rotating cycle of three years, with one class being held each year.  The three classes are:

  • Seventh Day Baptist History
  • Seventh Day Baptist Polity
  • Sabbath Theology

After many years of being an intensive two week class, in recent years the class has moved to a composite approach which employs both online and in-person components to accommodate the study schedules of our bi-vocational pastors and leaders.  The online portion of the class runs from February to May and includes weekly reading and assignments.  The in-person portion of the class includes lectures and group discussion as well as final evaluations.  The class is required for those pastors who desire to be accredited by the General Conference, as well as our seminary students.

This year’s Summer Institute will be on SDB Polity, and will begin in February 2016, with the in-person portion taking place at the SDB Center from August 14-19, 2016.  Registration for the class is now open, and pastors and leaders are invited to register as soon as possible to confirm their place in the class.  Registration can be done online or by filling out the 2016 Summer Institute Registration Form and returning it to the SDB Center by January 20, 2016.  

There is a $300 registration fee for the class for those who are not already admitted to one of the School of Ministry’s training programs.  Tuition assistance is possible for serving SDB pastors.  Please contact us for more information if the class fees represent an obstacle to your attendance!

The class will be taught by the Director of Education and History, the Director of Church Development and Pastoral Services, and a cast of thousands (or something).

If your pastor has not taken the classes, encourage them to contact us if they have any questions!

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