Uganda SDB Conference Recommended for World Federation Membership 

Written by Jeremiah Owen

February 17, 2016

At their online meeting January 17, the World Federation Executive Committee voted to recommend to member Conferences that they accept the Seventh Day Baptist Uganda Conference as a member of the Federation. Uganda’s application reports 11 churches and 10 cell groups in three regions across the country, 6 ordained ministers and 3 unordained, 239 members plus many children, some of them in one of the three schools operated by the Conference: a junior school, an orphanage/elementary school, and a high school/vocational school. 

Pastor Daniel Nsubuga, General Secretary of the Conference, is pictured above with Federation General Secretary Andrew Samuels when he was in Uganda in December 2014 for meetings of East Africa SDB leaders from Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, and Rwanda. It is hoped that Federation member conferences can cast their ballots regarding Uganda membership in time for them to have a representative at the SDBWF sessions in Brazil next January. 

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