Kindle Version of Helping Hand for December 2016-February 2017 Available!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

November 29, 2016

The Kindle version of the Winter Quarter of the Helping Hand is live on Amazon. Find it here for only $2.99:
From Editor Steve Osborn:
Too often, we end our discussion of God’s plan and power in creation looking at the details of the original event which brought our universe into existence. However, God’s plan for creation extended far beyond that to include sustaining what He had made and even redeeming mankind, the pinnacle of His creation, after we rebelled against Him. This quarter’s lessons, called “Creation: A Divine Cycle,” will address the whole of God’s creative plan.

With the advent of the Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit, God set in motion the fulfillment of the divine plan of salvation. Luke’s Gospel, several psalms, and the epistle to the Galatians are used to explore God’s ongoing actions in blessing and reconciling the whole creation.

Unit I, “The Savior Has Been Born,” consists of four lessons developed from the Gospel of Luke. Lessons 1 and 2 offer a study of how Mary, a virgin, received and joyfully accepted the announcement that she had been highly favored by God to give birth to God’s Son and the story of her cousin Elizabeth’s affirmation of the same. Lesson 3 studies John’s mission as the forerunner of the Savior. The Christmas lesson deals with the birth of Jesus and the circumstances and events pursuant to it.

Unit II, “Praise from and for God’s Creation,” employs five psalms. Several psalms emphasize praise for God that emanates from creation itself. Others invite us to praise God for creation.

Unit III, “The Birthing of a New Community,” has four lessons from Galatians in which God’s creative process can be seen through the birthing of a new faith community with Jesus Christ as its foundation. The lessons address the importance of spiritual freedom, cooperation, and righteous living in building and maintaining the community.

Note:  We are aware that the Scripture is missing for the Daily Bible Meditation on December 22. It should be Luke 2:1-4.  Thanks!

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