Seventh Day Baptist Week of Prayer

Written by Jeremiah Owen

December 28, 2016

Seventh Day Baptist Week of Prayer
January 1-7, 2017
Sponsored by the SDB World Federation

Week of Prayer booklets written by World Federation Recording Secretary Karen Umaña have been mailed to each USA & Canada church–also a flier to post and a master copy for a bulletin insert. Churches are encouraged to take a special offering for the Federation’s work on World Federation Sabbath, January 7. As individuals and church groups reflect on devotional thoughts in the booklet, remember you are joined by SDB brothers and sisters in Christ on six continents. Please follow the prayer suggestions there and also pray for final arrangements and safe travel for delegates and observers from 18 different countries who will gather in Brazil later in the month for the Federation’s 8th Session, January 22-28. Thank you for your support of our communicating and coordinating work throughout the past year as we celebrated 50 years of the Federation’s efforts to build SDB unity in Christ and a vigorous worldwide witness. Note: Copies of the booklet, “Pray, or Be Prey,” are also available at

We will be highlighting each day here on the blog.

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