SDB Week of Prayer – January 3, 2017

Written by Jeremiah Owen

January 2, 2017

It’s Our Choice: Pray or Be Prey

By: Karen Umaña

Scripture: Galatians 5:13, Mark 10:45, 1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:9-13

We are all called to be servants. Hannah (in 1 Samuel 1) gave her son to serve God.

The story of Samuel is one of my favorites in the Bible. When I read it, it’s hard to imagine a woman praying so hard and passionately for God to provide her a son, and in turn promising the Lord that she would give him to His service. Can you imagine, probably at 3 years of age, Samuel being given to Eli to be guided in serving the Lord, and that is just what he did.

Being a servant is hard. It sometimes means putting others’ needs before your own and losing yourself to the One Who is the reason you have become a servant. Hannah gave Samuel directly for the Lord’s service. In turn, the Lord called on Samuel directly and personally, and used Samuel as His servant. I have learned in the ministries God has given me that the more I serve, the closer I need to be to Him. When we give ourselves up to serve, the more we need God to sustain us.

Reflection: Can we, today, honestly call ourselves servants to the Lord’s call?

Prayer: Jesus, help us be better servants, so we may rely on You when we are in need.

Pray for Seventh Day Baptists in India (Andhra Pradesh), Jamaica, and Kenya.

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