An Invitation


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We get all sorts of invitations in life. Some are better than others. Some are simply awkward—like your cousin Eddie’s third child’s wedding that you feel like you have to attend (even though you don’t know the name of Eddie’s kid). On the other hand, there some invitations we desperately long for—and the invitation into community offered by Jesus is certainly one of those invitations to chase with all our heart, soul, and mind.

Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35). This is our invitation as Seventh Day Baptists–we are invited into community with Jesus and with one another. We want love to be the glue that holds our families, churches, and Conference together. But notice, this is not an invitation to be a spectator, this is an invitation to be a participant. In fact, it is an invitation to be part of a family.

Seventh Day Baptists are a family. We enjoy a love for Jesus and one another with an intimacy that makes us a family, even though we are spread from coast to coast in North America. And, there is room for you in our family! Attend the Seventh Day Baptist church nearest you. Even more, our invitation to love one another moves us beyond being a spectator and into being an active disciple of Jesus Christ. This invitation is not simply to live out our faith on our own, but within the blessing of Christian community, within a family of fellow believers.

 In addition to the opportunity to participate in a local Seventh Day Baptist Church, there is also the opportunity to volunteer in ministries that partner local churches with the General Conference. Initiatives to plant churches, revitalize churches, develop leaders, and saturate all that we do with the gospel provides plenty of opportunities to engage in mission with your SDB family. Here is your invitation to actively advance God’s Kingdom together. If you would like information about specific ways you can volunteer, let us know:

And one more invitation. If there is not a church in your area, contact the Seventh Day Baptist Center. God may be calling you to start a new Seventh Day Baptist work. If you have been praying for a Seventh Day Baptist church near you, you may be the answer to that prayer. Please take the initiative right now and notify us at

For International Guests

Be sure you have visited “World Federation” on this website. For more information about current World Federation members or about possible membership, contact us immediately.