2019-20 Scripture Memory Program Available!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

August 28, 2019

The Christian Education Council of the SDB General Council is proud to announce that the 2019-2020 Scripture Memory Program is now available.  This year’s program was developed by Conference President Rev. Kevin Butler around his Conference theme, “Fix Your Eyes on Jesus.”

Local churches who participate in the program are eligible for Conference awards depending on their level of engagement, and all participants receive a certificate of completion noting their successful participation in the program, with additional recognition for significant years of participation.

The program is broken into three age brackets to allow for a wide range of age groups to participate.  Likewise, the program runs for 9 months of the year, but is available for both the September-May period or October-June, depending on the usage of churches.  Those who wish to memorize one longer passage than the shorter ones this year are invited to memorize Hebrews 12:1-11.


September to May Program Materials

Primary Program (ages 5-8).


Junior Program (ages 9-12).


Youth/Adult Program (ages 13+).


October to June Program Materials

Primary Program (ages 5-8).


Junior Program (ages 9-12).


Youth/Adult Program (ages 13+).


In addition to the program materials, the reporting form is also available below.  Please note the reporting information, and that we receive reports from local churches, not individuals.

SMP Certification Form 2020-Fillable & Printable Reporting Form for the 2019-20 Program (required in order to receive certificate and have church/group recognized for awards.  Must be received by July 3, 2020 to be eligible for Conference awards).

Sample printed program materials should have already arrived by postal service to local churches, along with the completion certificates for those who completed last year’s program.  If you would like to report that you have not received your certificates, please contact the Director of Education and History.

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