Gospel Feet 5K 2019 Update

Written by Jeremiah Owen

September 29, 2019

“Bringing Orphans Home!” This was the theme for our annual 5K event at General Conference this year. More than 75 Conference attendees, plus residents of the Lancaster community participated. The new kids’ quarter-mile dash allowed children to share in the vital work of helping orphans. Through the generosity of participants and/or their sponsors, just under $3500 was raised. In the recent past, the Missionary Society has collaborated with Conferences in Kenya and Burundi to provide necessities for orphans to have stable homes, loving families, and exposed to the teachings of God’s Word. The proceeds from this year’s 5K make it possible for those partnerships to continue, and others added, such as Uganda and other African nations. After being thrust into orphan status, perhaps because of civil war, disease, famine, other disasters, or mishaps, these children and their host families are now being blessed with the provision of food, medication, school supplies, and other amenities so that their lives may have some sense of normalcy. The Missionary Society expresses a big thank you to all who participated in this worthwhile ministry. Please continue to pray for this endeavor, and it is still not too late to give. “…my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”- Acts 20:24b ~ Andrew O. Samuels, Chief Executive Director –

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