Puerto Rico Response Update

As posted on January 15th, 2020, there was a very real and present need in Puerto Rico following a series of earthquakes.  Infrastructure and personal property, which was just beginning to be rebuilt after the disastrous hurricanes in 2017, was struck once again. And now, as the U.S. Geological Survey anticipated, more aftershocks have continued to impact the area.

In coordination with our SDB Conference leadership and church leadership in Puerto Rico, connections were quickly made to send requested supplies to those in need in Puerto Rico.  Thanks to your partnership and generosity through prayer and by donating to the SDB United Relief Fund, you assisted SDBs in their efforts to help victims of the Puerto Rico earthquakes.

More specifically, Pastor John Pethtel coordinated efforts on the mainland side, assembling the requested items needed during the time of emergency, and then promptly shipping them.  On the Puerto Rico side, Pastor Joel and Pastora Judith Houts discerned the greatest needs to be met, and then worked out the distribution of those items once received.  The SDB CSADR committee worked behind the scenes to ensure the timely effort was able to come together.

While this is a time to be thankful for the people that God has called to respond during a time of need, there will continue to be needs—both in Puerto Rico and in other areas facing the impact of a natural disaster.  Thank you for your continuing partnership in prayer and consideration of support through the SDB United Relief Fund.  You can continue give online through EasyTithe and select the SDB United Relief Fund as the giving option.

Blessings as we continue to partner together to actively advance God’s Kingdom.

Grace and peace,

Carl Greene, Executive Director, SDB General Conference of USA and Canada

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