A New Season! A New Day!

This past Sabbath, February 29th, I had the honor of participating in the Pastoral Installation Service of Pastor Ben and Sister Marcella Figueroa at the Miami Seventh Day Baptist Church.  The theme of the service was appropriately focused on:  “It’s a New Season!  It’s a New Day!”  What a joy to celebrate the next chapter of actively advancing God’s Kingdom in South Florida through the Miami Church!  Please join me in continuing to pray for Pastor Ben and Marcella, as well as the Miami Church and the other SDB Churches in the South Atlantic Association as they not only celebrate this New Season and New Day, but also lean into this next chapter with continued courage, boldness, and faithfulness to gospel witness.    

The service included participation of a number of individuals who led in worship, offered a challenge based on God’s Word, and prayed with great sincerity.  The people involved in the service (and there are more than I am going to capture in this list) included:  Leonie Wilson, the Miami Praise Team, the Miami Choir, Mary Jane McPherson, Pastor Jasmine Lynch, Pastor Andrew Samuels, Pastor Norman Fearon, Theo Wilson, Rev. John Pethtel, Pastor Garfield Miller, Kay Samuels, representatives from the South Atlantic Association, local pastor, Johnathan Germain, as well as myself, Carl Greene. 

As we celebrate along with the Miami Church as well as Pastor Ben and Marcella, it is important for us all to celebrate the pastors of our own churches.  I was reminded through out this service of what a treasure God has blessed our churches with—one that we can all too often take for granted.  I hope that we take this time of celebration to also slow down and celebrate our own pastor.  This is a great time to send a note, or give a word of encouragement—a thank you for their faithful service and gospel witness.

Not only that, this might also be a good time to encourage attendance at this year’s Pastor Conference, the Summit.  The Summit (A SDB Pastors Conference) will take place from April 24-26 in Thornton/Northglenn, CO. The theme will be The Right-Side-Up Pastor. All serving or retired pastors and their spouses are welcome to attend. Anyone who is training for pastoral ministry or is feeling a call to pastoral ministry and their spouses are also welcome to attend. If you have a question as to whether you should be attending, please contact the Director of Pastoral Services


The cost to attend is $125 per person. In order to help us plan effectively, you must pay ahead of time by April 10 by check to the SDB Center (made payable to Pastoral Services) or by credit/debit card. If payment is not received by April 10, we will not be able to guarantee you a spot. Assistance may be available for you from our continuing education funds or other sources. If you need to overcome an obstacle to your attendance, please contact the Director of Pastoral Services. WE WANT YOU THERE!

April 23 and April 27 will be travel days. Please make plans to arrive at the Ramada Plaza by Wyndham in Northglenn/Denver North anytime after 3 pm on April 23. If you arrive earlier than April 23 or leave later than April 27, all arrangements are on your own. 

Flights should be booked into Denver International Airport (DEN). We will arrange transportation to/from there. You may also arrive by Greyhound Bus or Amtrak. Please send your arrival and departure schedules to the Director of Pastoral Services

Lodging will be provided at Ramada Plaza by Wyndham in Northglenn/Denver North. You will be sharing a room.

You are also free to make your own lodging arrangements. 

Meals will be provided from breakfast on April 24 to breakfast on April 27. Other meals will be at your expense. Please note on the registration if you have any dietary restrictions.

When a full schedule of events is completed, all those registered will receive an email. 

If you have any further questions, please contact the Director of Pastoral Services

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