Written by Andrew Samuels

March 31, 2020

So many aspects of our lives have changed, are changing, or remain uncertain because of the onset of COVID-19, the dreaded corona virus. It is our prayer that you are coping well with all the changes, making adjustments as necessary, and even thriving in this season. Please continue to comply with the directives of your local authorities.

We realize that economic fallout is one of the many ways in which lives have been negatively affected. There is job loss, underemployment, stock market downturn, and soaring prices for some essential supplies. It is a re-assuring relief that the Lord’s economy does not change. He still owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). He still promises to supply all our need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Everything belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24:1). Our trust must remain firmly grounded in an unchanging God. This is where we are called to continue to exercise our faith, and to continue to be generous. The Apostle Paul exhorts those of us who are strong to bear the infirmities of the weak (Romans 15:1).
Even as we affirm in this very precarious season, that our God is unfailing and unchanging, we do understand the reality of churches not being able to assemble and congregate as they normally would. Adding to the economic fallout, it also means that tithing and the giving of offerings have been reduced, and churches‘ intake is taking a hit. The Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society implores you to continue to make your local church, the primary storehouse for your financial gifts. And at the same time, we also encourage you to include the Missionary Society in your giving.

Our job of fulfilling the Great Commission, continues in spite of corona, and more so in fact, because of corona. We have extended the deadline for the submission of Missions Sabbath offerings from March 31 to April 30, 2020. Hopefully, that gives more churches a chance to get in on the action, and to give themselves a chance to win the coveted trophy, which will be awarded to the church which turns in the most funds by the new deadline date, April 30.
As we lean most heavily on the Lord, let’s continue to care for ourselves, and each other.

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