Intentional Connections, Links Included

Written by Carl Greene

April 8, 2020

Intentionally connecting moves us from isolation to engagement.

What am I most connected to during this season of staying at home?  The following links provide an alternative to the unintentional rut of connections we might find ourselves in.  I can unintentionally be most connected to the news cycle, particularly the latest developments surrounding COVID-19.  That is like a 27 hour news cycle every day that can suck me in to link after link, consuming all sorts of time and emotional health.  I can also be most connected to opportunities to disconnect.  I can potentially become so overwhelmed by the uncertainties, anxieties, and distractions of the current season that I try to hide myself in an artificial reality of entertainment and social media engagement.  But, just how many times can I watch my favorite YouTube spoofs and still consider it a good use of my time?

The quick response to what I should be most connected to orbits around spiritual disciplines–Scripture reading, prayer, solitude, thanksgiving, charity, and the like.  In addition, this is also a season to lean into other opportunities for connections that can be overlooked during the usual grind of life.  The following is a quick list of connections that might be worth your while to intentionally engage with, and experience something fresh and renewing.

SDB Livestreams  Compiled by Jeremiah Owen, SDB Director of Communication along with Patty Petersen, SDB Church Planting Coordinator, this is a current list of SDB churches that provide online or recorded services. 

SDB World Federation Invitation to Prayer and Fasting  An invitation to Seventh Day Baptists across the globe from SDB World Federation President, Luciano Barreto Nogueira de Moura and SDB World Federation Secretary, Andy Samuels to join in prayer, intercession, and fasting on April 18 and April 19.

Communication Conversation with Jeremiah Owen  If you missed the Facebook Live experience with SDB Director of Communication, Jeremiah Owen, here is the link to soak in the valuable Q&A about applying communication technology to today’s context.

SDB Helping Hand  Nick Kersten, SDB Director of Christian Education and Steve Osborn, Editor of the Helping Hand, have linked us to a study this quarter, titled “Justice and the Prophets,” focusing on justice as presented in Scriptures from the prophets, who called for both repentance and action where justice was concerned.

SDB Missionary Society  Andy Samuels, Chief Executive Director of the Missionary Society and Garfield Miller, Director of Outreach of the SDB Missionary Society provide updates on the work and mission of SDBs internationally.

Sabbath Recorder  For the April 2020 Sabbath Recorder and access to other recent issues, follow this link to see what themes SR Editor Pat Cruzan has been inviting authors to contribute to.

Sabbath Recorder Archives  Looking for some vintage Sabbath Recorder reading from yesteryear?  This link provided by the SDB Council on History and Director Nick Kersten provides ready access to all sorts of golden nuggets from the past.  John Pethtel, SDB Director of Church Development, worked with other Directors to compile this list of resources/links available to our churches, our leaders, and the public. We recommend that our churches consider and follow all local public health warnings and advisories.  This is not a comprehensive list of resources regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic, but offers some great leads. 

Happy connecting.

Grace and peace,

Carl Greene, Executive Director, SDB General Conference

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