Cancellations and Opportunities (COVID-19 Update, 04/20/20)

Greetings this week to all of our SDB Churches and our members! We hope that this blog finds you all well. We are praying for you. Let us know if there are specific ways in which we might be able to pray for you. 

We wanted to provide you with a few announcements and opportunities surrounding this time to keep you informed and provide you with ways to serve others and for us to serve you. 


The General Council in a previous blog post announced the cancellation of our annual Conference Week from July 26-August 1. We also have cancelled our annual Pastors Conference at the end of April. With these cancellations, we believe it prudent to announce the cancellation, postponement, or alteration of our other in-person gatherings until August 1.  

The Church Planting Boot Camp scheduled for Memorial Day weekend (May 21-24) has been postponed until Labor Day weekend (September 3-6).

The Summer Institute on Sabbath Theology scheduled for June 7-11 will be done virtually through Zoom and the Canvas LMS. 

We also will not be attending the AMPLIFY Conference this year.

“Virtual” Conference Week 2020

More information will be coming out over the coming weeks about ways in which we will be able to provide for a Conference Week “experience” for anyone interested. Any questions, concerns, or feedback that you may have about Conference Week should be directed toward Director Pethtel (Conferences Coordinator).    

Travel for Directors

Along with the above-mentioned cancellations or postponements, the Conference Directors will not be doing any travel until at least August 1 as well. However, Conference Directors are available to meet with your churches for presentations or consultations virtually. Please feel free to ask any of us how we could share or serve your church in this time. 

COVID-19 Recommendation

As states, provinces, and regions are dealing with public health concerns differently and with different timelines, we encourage our churches to continue to abide by state, provincial, and/or local public health advisories concerning public gatherings. 

We are available, willing, and able to consult with you to help you actively advance God’s Kingdom physically and virtually in your community. You may find resources for leaders and churches at our COVID-19 Resource Page. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!

The SDB Director Team

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