Fall Helping Hands Available!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

August 31, 2020

The SDB Christian Education Council is glad to announce the availability of the Fall 2020 quarter (Sept-Nov) of the Helping Hand, entitled, “Love for One Another.”  Mailed copies should’ve already arrived to subscribers.  Digital versions can be found at the SDB Conference website, as well as the Amazon Kindle store.

This quarter, the lessons are described by Editor Steve Osborn this way:
Jesus commands us to love one another as He loves us. While that may seem like a “no-brainer” at first glance, it often turns out to be more difficult than we anticipated. Because His standard is so high and our ability is so low, loving people the way Jesus does can be a bit of a struggle for us as believers. Thankfully, Scripture is full of both examples (positive and negative) and instructions on how we are to demonstrate love. The study this quarter reviews some of each.

Unit I, “Struggles with Love,” has four sessions from the Book of Genesis, revealing aspects of love. Session one reveals how a lack of familial love devolves into jealousy and destruction. Session two portrays Joseph’s commitment to love that refuses to hold on to past wrongs but rather seeks God’s path to future success. Sessions three and four show Joseph’s brothers coming to Egypt and reveal how love and reconciliation can prevail in spite of harsh and negative circumstances.

Unit II, “Inclusive Love,” has four sessions that center on love for the stranger, the poor, and enemies as well as divine love reflected in human life. First Samuel shows David’s love for others. Luke explores the teachings of Jesus regarding love for one’s enemies and Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan. First Corinthians explores the sermon on love from Paul’s writing, which depicts the height of human love coming from divine love.

Unit III, “Godly Love Among Believers,” contains five sessions. John elaborates on how believers love by serving and portrays Jesus’ explanation of the intertwining love of God for Jesus and for those who abide in Christ.  First John clarifies the abiding love of God through the Holy Spirit, which makes it possible for us to love one another. Acts reveals the expression of the love of God in the formation of the early Christian community by the workings of the Holy Spirit. James tells of the love of neighbor as the fulfillment of the law of God.

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