SCSC commissioning to be live-streamed

Is your son or daughter (or member of your church) getting ready to head for training for Summer Christian Service Corps? Wouldn’t you like to “see” them one more time right before they embark on their project?Every year at SCSC Training, the Staff and...

SDBs hit the stage at the Grand Ole Opry

Last weekend, Janet and I drove down to Nashville, paying for a car rental, gas, meals, hotels and concert tickets to watch one 3-minute song. WHY??Well, maybe because our son Jackson was playing in that song for the 5,000 in attendance and probably a million more...

Where there is death, there is hope!

Neville Callam, General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance, gives us this message for the observance of Pentecost:In his vision of the valley of dry bones, Ezekiel saw human beings whose quest for life and happiness, triumph and joy had come to an end. In a scene...

Historical Society’s Annual Meeting This Weekend!

It is once again time for the future of SDB historical work to be discussed!  As announced in the Sabbath Recorder, the Historical Society will be meeting this coming weekend, May 31-June 1 in Janesville.Saturday evening and Sunday morning, the Board of Directors will...

For your holiday reading pleasure: the June SR

Some young men from Wisconsin have traveled the country–and now to the other side of the world–to spread the Gospel via a skateboarding ministry! That’s just one of the features in the latest Sabbath Recorder. Hear also how one high-schooler compares...