Next Step for the Conference is a Healthy Step

What is an important next step for us as a General Conference as we press further into church planting over the coming months? The answer is straight forward but requires an explanation: health. Health is honestly on my mind after our family recently ran two kids...

URGENT Reminder: Conference Offering

We hope that you have enjoyed and benefitted from our Virtual Conference Week. The Directors and a team of amazing volunteers helped to make this week happen for you. Please visit the Virtual Conference Week 2020 page and you can get a recap of each day’s events...

A Kingdom Amplifying Opportunity

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;      my soul waits for the Lord     more than watchmen for the morning,     more than watchmen for the morning      Psalm 130:5-6 As the last few weeks have unfolded, I have been anxiously awaiting any sign...