URGENT Reminder: Conference Offering

We hope that you have enjoyed and benefitted from our Virtual Conference Week. The Directors and a team of amazing volunteers helped to make this week happen for you. Please visit the Virtual Conference Week 2020 page and you can get a recap of each day’s events...

Gospel Feet 5K 2019 Update

“Bringing Orphans Home!” This was the theme for our annual 5K event at General Conference this year. More than 75 Conference attendees, plus residents of the Lancaster community participated. The new kids’ quarter-mile dash allowed children to share in the vital work...

The First SDB Church in Cuba a Reality!

On Sabbath, Sept 7, 2019, Evangelist Ricardo Sepulveda, (Riverside SDB Church, CA.) and I (Andy Samuels) were present to share in the dedication of the first SDB Church in Cuba, located in the community of Emilia, about 85 miles east of Havana. It was a time of...

Brazil TIME in Mozambique

Following the success with the Zambian TIME (Training In Ministry by Extension) program, we have been partnering with our brethren in Brazil to bring a similar series of training seminars to the SDB leadership in Mozambique.  The Brazilians are the natural choice to...