Councils and Committees

In order to advance the purposes and the objectives as stated in Section 3 of the Certificate of Incorporation, agencies which are a part of the General Conference have been estab­lished to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the distinctives of Seventh Day Baptists. These agencies of General Conference act under its Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. The elected members of these agencies advise the General Conference, General Council, and the responsible executives respecting their areas of ministry. Executives who carry out the responsibilities of these agencies are employed by General Council with the advice and consent of the agency’s board or council. These bodies are: 

The American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council

An agency of the General Conference established for the selection, produc­tion, and distribution of materials. Its council members-at-large shall be elected by General Conference.

The Council on Ministry

An agency of the General Conference established to provide guidance to the work of church development, recruitment of pastoral leadership, credentialing of ministers, and the health of pastors and churches.  Its council members shall be elected by the General Conference.

The Women’s Society

A General Conference society to encourage the women of the denomination in the interests of Christian culture, to foster individual responsibility and united action in matters of citizenship, to enlist and direct efforts of the women in projects of Christian service, and to stimulate interest in the vari­ous enterprises of the denomination. The board of directors shall be elected by the General Conference.

The Seventh Day Baptist Christian Education Council

An agency of the General Conference established to provide programs and materials which encourage and equip Seventh Day Baptist churches and individuals to pursue disciplined and intentional Christian education. This agency shall provide education for ministerial students and continuing education for active ministers. Its members shall be elected by the General Conference.

Allied Societies are independently incorporated bodies related to the General Conference in mission and purpose. They are governed by their own articles of incorporation and bylaws and by the conditions set by General Conference for their participation in the unified budget. They may contract with the General Conference for the services of General Conference executives or for other services. Those bodies in this category are: 

The Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

A society incorporated in the State of Rhode Island to direct Seventh Day Baptist missionary interests throughout the world.

The Board of Trustees of the Seventh Day Baptist Memorial Fund

A board incorporated in Wisconsin to keep in trust gifts and bequests re­ceived for investment; manage the bequests and dis­tribute the funds to desig­nated and discretionary causes related to Seventh Day Baptists. It shall manage any permanent funds or endowments and all trusts accepted and administered by the corporation. Profits accruing thereto and therefrom shall be collected and expended in accordance with the terms, provisions, and conditions im­posed by or embodied in any deed of trust, last will and testament, or donation of the donor.  Its trustees are elected by General Conference.

Standing committees to conduct in­terim work between conferences on matters of special concern are as follows:

  • Committee on Christian Social Action
  • Committee on Faith and Order
  • Committee on Support and Retirement
  • Committee on Nominations