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Latest News & Upcoming Events

Cancellations and Opportunities (COVID-19 Update, 04/20/20)

Greetings this week to all of our SDB Churches and our members! We hope that this blog finds you all well. We are praying for you. Let us know if there are specific ways in which we might be able to pray for you.  We wanted to provide you with a few announcements and...

A Call to Prayer and Fasting: April 18 and 19

We are praying.  We are seeking out God's leading, protection, healing, and intervention amidst this unfolding crisis.  Over time though, this faithful prayer time can increasingly feel like a lonely, daunting task from within the four walls of our home.  We do,...

Intentional Connections, Links Included

What am I most connected to during this season of staying at home?  The following links provide an alternative to the unintentional rut of connections we might find ourselves in.  I can unintentionally be most connected to the news cycle, particularly the latest...

The Building is Empty But So is The Grave (COVID-19 Update, 04/06/20)

This week for a majority of Christendom is Holy Week. Starting yesterday, with Palm Sunday (a celebration of the triumphal entry), and ending seven days later with Easter Sunday (a celebration of the resurrection), Holy Week has a significance for many Christians....

2020 Annual Sessions Cancelled

The Seventh Day Baptist General Council, after considerable prayer and in consultation with the Conference President, Host Committee, Conference Directors, and Allied Societies, has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 General Conference session. This...