

Christian Education Council

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Women’s Society

Tract & Communication

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Memorial Board

Missionary Society

Latest News & Upcoming Events

Fishing in the Wrong Places

One of our infamous family photos is of our son fishing in the parsonage toilet.  Really.  We love this picture (actually I love this picture, my wife has something of the opposite reaction).  Our son ingeniously tied the string to the seat of the toilet, and was able...

Stepping Forward with SDBU

  “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh   These preeminent words spoken through the voice of Winnie-the-Pooh in children’s literature are a good fit...

Redefining Expectations: Spiritual Parenthood

            If my New Year’s resolutions involved breathing regularly and consuming enough calories to maintain life you might suggest that my expectations are a bit on the low side.  Rightfully so.  But when it comes to discipleship, what is the expectation of...

SCSC Interim Training Director Announced

The SCSC committee of the Seventh Day Baptist Women's Society is sharing the joy of selecting Kristin Camenga as Interim Training Director. Kristin has served as part of training staff for several years, and we are grateful for her calling to help us transition into a...

SCSC Mission Applications

For any young adults interested in participating in the Summer Christian Service Corp's Missions Track, the applications are due on October 15th. They can be found on the Women's Society website. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail...

A Hunger to Belong

Junior high lunch room.  Yikes.  I had a fear of sitting alone, so I worked hard to find a table where I could belong.  I shudder at my memories of trying to earn a place at the lunch table--which involved drinking a bottle of Tabasco Sauce in less than a minute.  It...